Great! An opportunity to join a start-up has landed on your lap. It's both scary and exciting. You jumped overboard and grabbed the opportunity. So, what's next?
What happens after you actually joined a start-up?
A surge of thought had filled my mind after I said Yes.
Did I make the right decision?
What am I doing here?
How can I provide value to this?
These lingered within my mind. On the other hand, I felt a rush of excitement as I embark on this Limitless Journey. I spent my initial months with Limitless Connect adjusting. If we are talking about cars, I am within the break-in period. We put in the initial reps to get everything settled. We start to think about how to generate revenue, create and maintain partnerships, and manage expectations.
As soon as the fun & excitement has fleeted, the actual work comes after. The TED-talk-like ideas you shared with your peers during the first few months will be put to the test. You soon realize that the demons and silent battles you fought and hoped would not creep up in your head were swept under the rug. You get new ones as a bonus to add that will test your mental health. It's scary.
Yes, it is scary AF. However, would you let fear take over? I don't think so. When I joined a start-up, I know that there is a risk & the grind is double or even triple the effort. However, its end-game is to be successful. Nobody joined a start-up and wished for it to fail!
I learned that how you react will either strengthen or destroy you when faced with challenges. You would either be frustrated (like what I did years back) and get depressed or get motivated to be better.
Our small bunch of rockstars has learned a tremendous amount since the inception of Limitless Connect. We completed the "honeymoon" phase. We are now in execution mode. The first 8 months were the time we planted little seeds in the hopes a couple will grow. As these plants start to grow, we have to take care of these plants until it's time to harvest them. We exert the essential reps/effort to ensure that these plants will grow healthy and safe from pests. I am optimistic that what we are doing will translate to an abundant fruit that we will be harvested in the future.
Written by Patrick Ceniza ~ Manager, Cloud Experience Architects